Kindergarten Full Learning Program
Discover a dynamic, all-in-one, hands-on experience! Kindergartners get a full year of learning—everything they need for first grade readiness in early reading, writing, math, and fine motor skills. Books, flash cards, game boards with press-out pieces, workbooks with stickers, and a cool see-through storage pouch with safety scissors, glue stick, pencil, and a Write & Reuse™ marker make it so much fun! Developed by teachers, this comprehensive set takes a classroom approach, with lots of...
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Size: 12.5" x 15.25"
Contents: 3 Workbooks with Stickers, 2 Flash Card Sets, 4 Early Readers, 3 Game Boards & Press-Out Pieces, Write & Reuse Worksheet Sleeve, Write & Reuse Marker, Game Spinner & Dice, Safety Scissors, Glue Stick, Pencil, Storage Pouch, Parent Guide, Anywhere Teacher
Discover a dynamic, all-in-one, hands-on experience! Kindergartners get a full year of learning—everything they need for first grade readiness in early reading, writing, math, and fine motor skills. Books, flash cards, game boards with press-out pieces, workbooks with stickers, and a cool see-through storage pouch with safety scissors, glue stick, pencil, and a Write & Reuse™ marker make it so much fun! Developed by teachers, this comprehensive set takes a classroom approach, with lots of ways to learn essential skills and keep kids with different learning styles focused and motivated. Also, get 1 free month of online learning with Anywhere Teacher! Perfect for building confidence and reinforcing skills for a strong start in school!
3 Unique Step-by-Step Workbooks Build a Solid Foundation
Designed with teacher input, each workbook builds on early skills sequentially, getting progressively harder. Easy "I Can" statements and self-evaluations on every page grow confidence, put kids in touch with their own goals, and make clear what still needs work. Featured activities give fine motor skills a great workout, developing the hand and finger strength and agility needed for everyday tasks. QR codes link to complementary Anywhere Teacher videos, and designated pages for tearing out and inserting in the Write & Reuse™ Worksheet Sleeve give kids lots of do-overs for improvement.
4 Early Reading Books Expand Emergent Word Skills
Pre-readers and beginning readers are emergent readers, and they have lots of big and little things to learn! An adorable pair of early-reading fiction books and a pair of equally charming non-fiction books make grasping print concepts super fun. Nonfiction titles are All About Bears and Underwater. Fiction titles are The New Bike and Charlie Hides.
2 Sets of Portable Flash Cards/Game Cards Reinforce Learning
Kids can play/use these cards with another person—mom, grandpa, sibling, or friend. They provide additional practice of key skills and can improve speed and accuracy in recognizing key concepts. The sets are Sight Words Flash Cards and Rhyming Fun Game Cards.
6 Games Build Academic and Social-Emotional Skills
Along with practicing key skills for school success, playing learning games develops cooperation and collaboration, including sharing, turn-taking, and negotiation. They also teach focus, strategy, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Games using manipulatives such as press-out pieces even sharpen fine motor skills. They include Three-Letter Words TV that focuses on spelling CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words, Scenic Shapes for practice matching color and shapes, Puzzle Play that builds pictures from shapes, 10-Frame Fun for practice counting 0-20, Alphabet Review for practicing the alphabet and beginning letter sounds, and Sorting Time for practice with shapes and how many sides they have, as well as sorting shapes by color.
- Each Full Learning Program offers limited access to specific content that complements the workbook lessons on, a safe and ad-free learning app designed for kids ages 2-8. Or for full access to more than 3,000 activities, subscribe using the code provided and get the first 30 days free!